After waaaay too many weekends filled with wedding planning, Jason and I skipped town for a quick overnight trip to Morro Bay. But before we got on the road, Jason had to hit the dirt first... don't we all like to start our Saturday mornings by getting up at the crack of dawn, driving 20 miles to Marin, and racing hundreds of other people on a 6-mile, narrow, hilly dirt trail? No? Well, your name must not be Jason!

Actually, despite my sarcasm (I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm not a morning person, so I won't belabor that, really...) - I'm quite proud of my man. For someone who for the most part, despises running, he really pushes himself and keeps entering these races. Being a good (but did I mention groggy?) girlfriend, I trodded along ahead of him and had my camera to capture all of the special moments... like all the people who missed the turnaround point and I had to yell after them "hey, comeback, you missed the halfway mark!" That part was actually kinda fun, heh.
So, after Jay was done replenishing his electrolites, we loaded up the car for the drive South. The sun was shining and Jason didn't even complain about my driving - a perfect day!
We camped for the night under incredibly clear skies - the kind where you can see all the stars AND the satellites (Jason loves that part). The day was complete with a campfire, S'mores and some wine (hey, this is California afterall).
On Sunday morning - man, were the winds blowing - we were a little worried about our paddling power but decided to give it a go anyway. We launched our boats and had a spectacular day on the water - in Jason's words "it's like a zoo at the beach." We saw a little bit of everything (except for whales and condors of course, which continue to elude us) - white pelican, sandpipers, white and blue heron, seals, deer (totally serious) and several sea otter!
On the way home we found some great tide pools along a deserted stretch of beach - and we had three or four seals following us as we traveled the beach, here's one checking us out!

Actually, despite my sarcasm (I think I've made it pretty clear that I'm not a morning person, so I won't belabor that, really...) - I'm quite proud of my man. For someone who for the most part, despises running, he really pushes himself and keeps entering these races. Being a good (but did I mention groggy?) girlfriend, I trodded along ahead of him and had my camera to capture all of the special moments... like all the people who missed the turnaround point and I had to yell after them "hey, comeback, you missed the halfway mark!" That part was actually kinda fun, heh.
So, after Jay was done replenishing his electrolites, we loaded up the car for the drive South. The sun was shining and Jason didn't even complain about my driving - a perfect day!