Oh, by the way, today was bottling day for our CrushPad pinot - Three Graces! If you recall, it's a Russian River Valley pinot noir from the Amber Ridge vineyard, the same

We have 4.75 cases, plus two magnums. That's equivalent to 59 bottles, so if you invite us over for dinner in the next 18 months, you know what we're bringing!
OK back to food, because we're not obsessed with wine, we're obsessed with food...
A week or so ago, we had a hunkerin' for some salmon. So, we scoured the 'fridge, pulled out some ingredients, and came up with our newly-famous Grilled Salmon with Pineapple-Citrus Salsa! Mmmm, it was yummy! For the accompaniment, we also scoured the 'fridge and came up with something different. Both recipes are below. Next time, we'll take fancy pictures and liven this blog up a bit!
Grilled Salmon with Pineapple-Citrus Salsa
Ingredients (or, "what we found in our 'fridge that wasn't rotten")
- 1 cup diced pineapple - Sarah had purchased some pineapple for a previous "grilled veggie extravaganza," and these were the leftovers. We're estimating one cup, but it would be more accurately described as "whatever was left in the container."
- 1 orange, diced - Jason found an orange, about three weeks old, that was previously leveraged for an orange twist for his old-school Manhattan (therefore, about three turns of rind were absent).
- Juice of 2/3rds of a lime - Sarah was having a gin-n-tonic to soothe away the turmoil of another day schlepping ink, so we used whatever hadn't been cut into cocktail garnish.
- 3 tbsp fresh mint - As if. Mint would have been perfect in the salsa, but none was to be found in the crisper drawer. But we did find cilantro. So, feel free to substitute cilantro for mint in this recipe.
- 1 tbsp grated fresh ginger - Ha. Again, we looked and looked, but 'twas not to be. So, as we did, feel free to substitute powdered ginger. But don't be happy about it!
- 2 tbsp olive oil - Yum-o! In our kitchen, olive oil is a requirement in almost everything.
- 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar - Just because.
- Salt & Pepper
- 2 servings of salmon - Obviously. And obviously splashed with olive oil and sprinkled with salt and pepper.
- Mix everything together (other than the salmon...) and let fester (or, "let the flavors meld at room temperature for an hour or so").
- Grill salmon. If you need more direction than that, you'd be better off going to Applebees...
- Put half of the salsa on each plate, top with the grilled salmon, add the side dish.
- Consume!
Well, there you go. Easy to follow?
Let us know how your version turns out!